The solutions of welding head problem: do not feed wire运行逻辑:送丝机通过尾部的两芯插头信号线,接到控制盒的信号接口二的5/6脚,系统运行时控制盒主板内置继电器吸合后5/6导通,送丝机开始工作(即5/6脚控制通断)Operating logic:the wire feeder connects to the 5/6 pin of the signal interface of the control box by the two-core plug signal lines in the terminal. When the system
Read MoreProcess: Selection of copper nozzle welding wire gas and confirmation of focus一. 铜嘴的使用I. The use of copper nozzles铜嘴的分类主要区分:是否送丝,焊丝的大小,焊接角度,如上图所示,如内角送丝焊接1.0的焊丝则使用AS-12的铜嘴The classification of copper nozzles is mainly distinguished: whether to feed wire, the size of the welding wire, the welding angl
Read Moreandheld welding: SUP15S focusing mirror replacement method本文阐述了SUP15S聚焦镜的更换方法(2020款)This article explains the replacement method of SUP15S focusing mirror (2020 model)注意:更换时保持环境无污染,尽量在早上或晚上无人工作时更换Note: Keep the environment free of pollution when replacing, and try to replace it in the morning or eve
Read MoreHandheld cleaning: SUP20C focusing mirror replacement注意:Note:1.更换时请注意现场环境,建议拆掉在办公室等相对环境较好的地方更换1. Pay attention to the on-site environment when replacing, it is recommended to remove it and replace it in a relatively good place such as the office2.安装时轻拿轻放,注意镜片的安装方向2. Hold and relax lightly during ins
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